Most Recent Additions*
An Interview With Community Health Nurse Educator and Researcher Tanya Sanders | Une entrevue avec la professeure et chercheuse en sciences infirmières, en santé communautaire, Tanya Sanders
Susan M. Duncan and Jacinthe I. Pepin
An Evolutionary Concept Analysis of Bullying Towards Nursing Students in the Clinical Practice Environment
Geraldine Irlbacher and Lenora Marcellus
Development of a Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Program in Cardiometabolic Health
Maria Cecilia Gallani, Alexandre Zarié, Julie-Anne Boutin, and Bruno Pilote
Exploring the Influence of Clinical Externships on Newly Graduated Nurses’ Transition to Practice
Jessi Hembrey, Amy Hallaran, and Kirsten Woodend
Dynamique de groupe comme composante de l’environnement d’apprentissage clinique : une étude mixte séquentielle exploratoire
Marjolaine Dionne Merlin, Frances Gallagher, and Stéphan Lavoie
Being Paid to Be a Student: Risks and Rewards – An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study
Kathleen Miller, Tanya Paananen, Safina McIntyre, and Yvonne Shelast
Resilience Among Indigenous Graduate Nursing Students: A Scoping Review
Monique Sedgwick, Chloe Crosschild, Noelle Rohatinsky, and David R. Scott
A Pilot Feasibility Study of an Undergraduate Nursing Student Harm Reduction Community Health Placement
Miriam Woo, Carla Ferreira, Twyla Ens Ms., Carla S. Ginn, and Jennifer Jackson
Les formations infirmières à la coordination des soins et des services : un examen de la portée
Marlène Karam, Pegah Torabi, Asma Boubaker, and Isabelle Brault
Opportunities for Nursing Education Advancement in Primary Health Care | Des ouvertures pour la formation en sciences infirmières en soins de santé primaires
Susan M. Duncan and Jacinthe I. Pepin
An Interview With Planetary Health Leaders Lily Lessard and Nicole Redvers | Une entrevue avec les leaders en santé planétaire Lily Lessard et Nicole Redvers
Lucie Richard and Barbara Astle
Inviter la lutte contre les changements climatiques à l’université : déterminants, stratégies, mécanismes et effets escomptés
Melanie Perroux, Hélène Gayraud, Fiona Hanley, and Amélie Contreras-Salois
Advancing Nursing Education Through an Intersectionality-Framed Approach: An Exemplar With Women Living at the Epicentre of Gender-Based Violence, Climate Crises, Racism, and Migration Status
Shahin Kassam and Vicky Bungay
Positioning Canadian Nurses as Leaders in Responding to the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change: A Call to Action
Zachary Daly, Raluca Radu, and Emily K. Jenkins
The Future of Nursing for Planetary Health Is Today: Essential Transitions for Education and Research
Jessica M. LeClair, Jeneile M. Luebke, Stephanie Gingerich, Linda D. Oakley, Erica R. Timko Olson, and Teddie M. Potter
A Call to Action for Nurses in Canada to Address Climate-Driven Vector-Borne Diseases
Shannon Y. Vandenberg, Tracy A. Oosterbroek, Andrea Chircop, and Peter Kellett
The Call for Integrating Planetary Health in Nursing Curricula in Higher Education | Un appel pour intégrer la santé planétaire dans les programmes d’études universitaires en sciences infirmières
Barbara Astle and Lucie Richard
Evidence-Informed Education and Practice in Collaborative Learning Units: A Mixed-Methods Study
Diane Sawchuck, Lenora Marcellus, Darlaine Jantzen, and Yonabeth Nava de Escalante
Empathy and High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulators: A Critical Analysis of Undergraduate Nursing Education
Gina Jang and Sherry Dahlke
*Updated as of 03/11/25.