Most Recent Additions*


Development of a Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Program in Cardiometabolic Health
Maria Cecilia Gallani, Alexandre Zarié, Julie-Anne Boutin, and Bruno Pilote


Being Paid to Be a Student: Risks and Rewards – An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study
Kathleen Miller, Tanya Paananen, Safina McIntyre, and Yvonne Shelast


Resilience Among Indigenous Graduate Nursing Students: A Scoping Review
Monique Sedgwick, Chloe Crosschild, Noelle Rohatinsky, and David R. Scott


A Pilot Feasibility Study of an Undergraduate Nursing Student Harm Reduction Community Health Placement
Miriam Woo, Carla Ferreira, Twyla Ens Ms., Carla S. Ginn, and Jennifer Jackson


The Future of Nursing for Planetary Health Is Today: Essential Transitions for Education and Research
Jessica M. LeClair, Jeneile M. Luebke, Stephanie Gingerich, Linda D. Oakley, Erica R. Timko Olson, and Teddie M. Potter


A Call to Action for Nurses in Canada to Address Climate-Driven Vector-Borne Diseases
Shannon Y. Vandenberg, Tracy A. Oosterbroek, Andrea Chircop, and Peter Kellett


Evidence-Informed Education and Practice in Collaborative Learning Units: A Mixed-Methods Study
Diane Sawchuck, Lenora Marcellus, Darlaine Jantzen, and Yonabeth Nava de Escalante

*Updated as of 03/11/25.