Most Recent Additions*
Quality Nursing Education Research in the Eyes of Assistant Professor Christine Ou and Associate Professor Patrick Lavoie | Regards de la professeure adjointe Christine Ou et du professeur agrégé Patrick Lavoie sur la recherche en formation infirmière de qualité
Jacinthe Pepin and Susan M. Duncan
"We Have Bills to Pay Too": The Juggling Act of Working While Attending a School of Nursing
Jennifer Lamswood, Peggy Hancock, Gina Randell, Daphne Kennedy, Darin W. Brooks, and Pamela Moores
Canadian Post-licensure Education for Primary Care Nurses Addressing the Patient’s Medical Home Model and Canadian Competencies for Registered Nurses in Primary Care: An Environmental Scan
Julia Lukewich, Marie-Eve Poitras, Crystal Vaughan, Dana Ryan, Mireille Guérin, Donna Bulman, Treena Klassen, Robin Devey-Burry, Monica McGraw, Deanne Curnew, and Sheila Epp
The Perceptions and Experiences of Nursing Students on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
Jennifer Isaac, Cydnee Seneviratne, Shelley Raffin Bouchal, and Shane Sinclair
Ressources nécessaires à la relation infirmière-personne au cours de la formation initiale en sciences infirmières : revue narrative structurée
Clémence Coupat, Emilie Allard, and Martin Charette
Indigenous Nurse and White Settler Nurse Teaching Teams: Learning to Disrupt With Indigenist Nursing Education
Leanne Kelly and Kim Daly
Reconcili-Action Begins With Education: Graduate Nursing Students’ Perspectives of an Experiential Exercise About the History of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Renée K. Boily, Karamveer Kaur, Clayton F. Sandy, and Donna E. Martin
La simulation pour l’apprentissage de l’annonce de mauvaises nouvelles par les professionnels de la santé : une revue rapide des écrits
Amélie J. Tremblay, Tanya Mailhot, Claudie Roussy, and Patrick Lavoie
Nursing Students’ Views on an E-Learning Activity on Clinical Leadership and Ageism: A Cross-Sectional Study
Kelly Baskerville, Sherry Dahlke, Kathleen F. Hunter, Mary T. Fox, Sandra J. Davidson, Alison L. Chasteen, Jeffrey I. Butler, Elaine Moody, and Lori Schindel Martin
Research in Nursing Education: A Central Role in Advancing the Profession | La recherche en formation infirmière : un rôle crucial dans le développement de la profession
Susan M. Duncan and Jacinthe I. Pepin
Student Peer Mentorship in Prelicensure Nursing Programs: A Scoping Review
Jacqueline Avanthay Strus, Julie Savard, Chloe Manaigre, Teaghan Mitchell, Ariane Gauthier, Patricia Bourrier, Rhéanne Girard, and Danielle De Moissac
Adaptation de l’instrument « Évaluation de l’environnement d’apprentissage clinique » : ajout de la composante de la dynamique de groupe
Marjolaine Dionne Merlin, Frances Gallagher, and Stéphan Lavoie
Mise à l’essai d’un nouveau modèle de supervision de stage en sciences infirmières : l’unité collaborative d’apprentissage
Charles Bilodeau, Frances Gallagher, Sylvie Charette, and Mélanie Marceau
Fidélité d’un club de lecture pour étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières
Caroline Gibbons, Jimmy Bourque, and Tim Aubry
Scaffolding Information Literacy Learning for Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Mixed-Method Exploration of Student IL Self-Efficacy
Hanneke Croxen, Jody Nelson, Lisa McKendrick-Calder, and Wanhua Su
A Focused Ethnography of Tenure-Track PhD-Prepared Nursing Faculty Members' Teaching Experiences
Winnifred Savard, Christy Raymond, Solina Richter, Joanne Olson, and Pauline Paul
Advancing Quality Nursing Education in Today’s World, Take Two | Avancées en formation infirmière dans le monde contemporain, prise deux
Jacinthe I. Pepin and Susan M. Duncan
Leveraging Clinical Preceptorship to Enhance Nursing Students’ Readiness in Digital Health
Shrinithi Subramanian and Manal Kleib
Post-graduate Integration Programs for Recently Graduated Nurse Practitioners: A Rapid Review
Li-Anne Audet, Amale Ghandour, and Irene Sarasua
L’Unité Virtuelle de Soins pour le développement de compétences relatives à la surveillance clinique en contexte de soins critiques : une étude qualitative descriptive
Daniel Milhomme, Annie Perron, Josyane Pinard, Julie Houle, Dominique Therrien, Gabriela Peguero-Rodriguez, Sylvie Charette, Bob-Antoine Jerry Ménélas, Dominique Labbée, Fernanda Ribeiro, Roxanne Laverdière, Mylène Trépanier, Stéphane Bouchard, and Frédéric Banville
*Updated as of 09/13/24.