Content Posted in 2017
Accompagner les infirmières et les étudiantes dans la réflexion sur des situations de soins : Un modèle pour les formateurs en soins infirmiers, Patrick Lavoie, Louise Boyer, Jacinthe I. Pepin, Johanne Goudreau, and Odile Fima
Baccalaureate Program Evaluation, Preceptors, And Closing The Theory-Practice Gap: Is There A Connection?, Catherine Ann Thibeault RN, PhD
Canadian Doctoral Nursing Networking Conference - Conférence canadienne de réseautage au doctorat en sciences infirmières, Florence Myrick and Jacinthe I. Pepin
Collaborative Nursing Education Partnerships: Faculty Experience of Shared Curriculum, Sandeep Kaur Gill, Pam Hawley, Tracey Clancy, and Gayle Rutherford
Cross-cultural Experiences during a Visiting Scholar Program: “…A Start[ing] not a Finishing Point”, Carla AA Ventura, Judith E. Mill, Isabel A.C. Mendes, Emanuele Seicenti de Brito, and Leanne Johnson
Enhancing Nursing Students’ Understanding of Oral Health: An Educational Intervention with an Interprofessional Component, Shelley Spurr Dr., Jill Bally Dr., Alyssa Hayes Dr., Marcella Ogenchuk Dr., and Krista Trinder
Evaluation of a College-Community Approach to Developing Multi-level Primary Health Care-Population Health Promotion Practicums for Nursing Students, Shari Laliberte, Zed Amarshi, Rhonda Bennett, Caroline Brunt, Katherine Fukuyama, Nelly Gomez, Elaine Jones, Deborah Littman, Michael McCarthy-Flynn, Maria Martin, and Beverly Piebenga
Exploring Self-Efficacy and Anxiety in First-Year Nursing Students Enrolled in a Discipline-Specific Scholarly Writing Course, Kim M. Mitchell, Tom Harrigan, Torrie Stefansson, and Holly Setlack
Historically-Informed Nursing: The Untapped Potential of History in Nursing Education, Sonya Grypma Dr
Implementation of Preceptorship in Ghana: “Marriage between school and clinical settings”, Mary Asor Asirifi, Judith E. Mill Professor Emeritus, Florence Myrick Professor Emeritus, and George Richardson Associate Professor
Innovation in Teaching and Learning - Innover en enseignement - apprentissage, Jacinthe I. Pepin and Florence Myrick
Mentor Us: A Formal Mentoring Program for Nurses in Graduate Education, Jennifer Bell, Nichole Marks, Jennifer Hermann, and Amanda Klooster
On mentoring in nursing academia - Le mentorat en milieu universitaire en sciences infirmières, Jacinthe I. Pepin and Florence Myrick
Promoting Scholarship and Faculty Development through Faculty Learning Communities, Olive J. Yonge Dr. and Sandra J. Davidson
Teaching is Where It All Begins - Tout commence par l’enseignement, Florence Myrick and Jacinthe I. Pepin
Transforming Problem-Based Learning through Abductive Reasoning, Noeman Mirza, Noori Akhtar-Danesh, Charlotte Noesgaard, Lynn Martin, and Carolyn Byrne
Using Case Study to Examine Simulation in a Problem-based Course, Joanna Pierazzo, Mary Allan, Grace Mclaren, and Dorothy Baby