Content Posted in 2015
An Indigenous Nurse Educator’s Point of View - La perspective d’une infirmière et professeure autochtone, Florence Myrick and Jacinthe I. Pepin
An Innovative Approach to Adult Education in a Two-year BScN Program: Creating Partnerships in Learning, Baiba Zarins, Lorraine M. Carter Dr., and Tammie McParland
Breaking from Tradition: Transforming Leadership Education in Nursing, Holly J. Symonds-Brown and Margaret F. Milner
Co-creating a learning culture - Co-créer une culture d’apprentissage, Jacinthe I. Pepin and Florence Myrick
Educating for Complexity In Nursing Practice: A Baccalaureate Curriculum Innovation, Patricia Rosenau, Lorraine Watson, Leianne Vye-Rogers, and Martie Dobbs
Furthering Nursing Scholarship in Today's Postsecondary Institutions: The Legacy of Ernest Boyer, Lois E. Berry
Integrating Global Citizenship through Local Teaching Practices, Sharon D. Simpson, Sonya L. Jakubec, Cheryl Zawaduk, and Cheryl Lyall
La formation continue d’infirmières de soins à domicile : retombées perçues au regard de l’amélioration de la qualité des soins aux aînés., Jérôme Ouellet and Joséphine Mukamurera
Les défis et le rôle de doyenne dans l’avancement de la qualité de la formation infirmière / Challenges and the role of Dean in advancing quality nursing education, Jacinthe I. Pepin and Florence Myrick
Lessons about Boundaries and Reciprocity in Rural-based Preceptorships, Olive Yonge, Florence Myrick, Linda M. Ferguson, and Quinn Grundy
Nursing Students Critical Thinking and Research Utilization, Salima Moez Meherali PhD Candidate, RN; Joanne Profetto-McGrath PhD, RN; and Pauline Paul PhD, RN
Rural-Focused Nursing Education: A Summative Evaluation of RNs’ Experiences of the Rural Nursing Certificate Program, Martha MacLeod and Jessica Place
The Art and Science of Nursing Education / L’art et la science de la formation infirmière, Florence Myrick and Jacinthe I. Pepin
The Techno-Numerate Nurse: Results of a Study Exploring Nursing Student and Nurse Perceptions of Workplace Mathematics and Technology Demands, Daniel H. Jarvis, Andrea Kozuskanich, Barbi Law, and Karey D. McCullough