Content Posted in 2014
Advancing Quality Nursing Education in Today’s World - Avancées en formation infirmière dans le monde contemporain, Jacinthe I. Pepin and Florence Myrick
Building the Research Enterprise in the Academic Environment:, Geraldine Polly Bednash, Jane Kirschling, Eileen T. Breslin, and Robert Rosseter
Clinical Nursing Reasoning in Nursing Practice: A Cognitive Learning Model based on a Think Aloud Methodology, Johanne Goudreau, Louise Boyer, and Dimitri Létourneau
Confronting the social mandate for nursing scholarship – One school of nursing’s journey., Susan M. Duncan, Star Mahara, and Victoria Holmes
Exploration des facteurs influençant la mobilisation des savoirs par une pensée critique chez des étudiantes infirmières bachelières lors de stages cliniques, Kathleen Lechasseur, Ginette Lazure, and Louise Guilbert
Interprofessional Simulation Learning with Nursing and Pharmacy Students: A Qualitative Study, Pauline Paul, Joanne K. Olson, Cheryl Sadowski, Brian Parker, Angele Alook, Deirdre Jackman, Cheryl Cox, and Stewart MacLennan
Interview with the 2013 Recipient of the Dr. Pat Griffin Research Scholar Award / Entrevue avec la récipiendaire 2013 du prix du leader scientifique « Dr. Pat Griffin » de l’ACÉSI, Florence Myrick and Jacinthe I. Pepin
Story Based Learning: A Student Centred Practice-Oriented Learning Strategy, Karen MacKinnon and Lynne E. Young